

What We Do

Our cuts consist of mowing edging and trimming. When we mow we use the best equipment for cutting your yard. Our mowers have striping bars which allow for that great pattern that you see in all high quality cuts. Our high powered trimmers allow for clean weed eating around obstacles in your yard. Which gives you a nice smooth look throughout your yard. This is important to ensure that trimmed areas look identical to the mowed areas of your yard. This equipment allows for us to put a nice clean edge around your borders such as your driveway, sidewalks as well as your flower and mulch beds. Weed eating is just as important as the actual cut applied to the yard.

Benefits of Lawn Maintenance

  • Prevents Disease

    Mowing regularly prevents lawn diseases from occurring in your lawn. Some disease will thrive in dry conditions and in wet conditions fungus can occur. We never know what mother nature is going to do throughout the season she can give us lots of rain or none at all. So controlling the length of grass will help prevent these problems from occurring.

  • Keeps Lawn Healthy

    Regular lawn maintenance keeps your grass green and helps prevent disease, weeds, and fungi. Also helps promote healthy growth, keeps debris from building up, and prevents invasive unwanted weeds from intruding into the lawn. Having a consistent manicured thick healthy dense turf will be the best defense against unwanted leaves.

  • Curb Appeal

    We all want our yards to look great in the neighborhood no-one wants to be that guy that has all the flowering weeds blowing seeds into our neighbors yard. curb appeal and regular cuts will prevent this by keeping your yard neat and clean. Also will help keep weeds from being able to get to the point where they are producing seeds by whacking them back with a fresh clean cut.